and Robert's Strange Days has another image of the Henuset light beings:

We are Beings of Light. You have probably heard, "We are spiritual beings

Awakening the 3rd eye God is Light, not such as one sees, nor such as the

Angels are beings of light and act as messengers to help us raise our

There is also evidence of faceless beings of light performing the same

all of the ascended masters, all beings of Light and Unconditional Love.

the land of 'beings of light' . . . As they moved through the pyramids,

beings of light.

We each have these wonderful beings of light who guide us on our paths. I was fortunate enough to see mine in a near death experience.

Light Beings. Light Beings · More images of the mysterious beings of light

They are all illuminated beings of Light who are serving God and humanity.

Beings of light

your true selves as immense and beautiful Beings of Light and Love.
Lands protected by awesome angelic beings of Light who at times come to

beings of light, panda Bears, Lionz, Tigerz,

We are creator light beings in an amazing unveiling of our own story.

Communication with Beings of Light at Temple of Luxor, Egypt

front page

We insist, the presence of these Beings of Light appears because many

condensed into mind, pure Light condensed into beings of light.